Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Africa Day Poem: No Pride In Africa

At a time where everybody is faking it
I choose to be True
True to myself,
True to my fellow brothers and sisters

Happy Africa Day,
They all say
I wish I could say the same
Sadly, Africa has lost its pride
The evil roots of corruption grounded in Africa

Poverty and Hunger is the order of the day
From Cape to Cairo
Africa is suffering
Is there any pride left in Africa?
I don't think so!

Where is our Heritage?
It has long been stolen
How did they steal it from us?
We gave it away in a silver plater!
Some became famous for exchanging it for sugar

Cry my beloved Africa
It has become a Ghost Town
Infighting and Social Injustice is the order of the day
The rich become richer On the sweat of the poor

Dont call me brother
You have an evil conscience against me
A father killing his children so he can have the last meal

Africa is lavishing in Poverty
Whilst its leaders are enjoying European Tours
Neglecting the youths
Fathers have lost hope
Mothers scrapping the ground for a daily meal

Fighting for survival is an everyday battle in Africa
What is freedom, when you cant express it?
They preach so much about it
But daily we are becoming alienated to the so called freedom

Theirs is their story
They fought for FREEDOM
Now they are fighting FREEDOM
Now I understand what it means to be a FREEDOM FIGHTER

Malema shared the same sentiments
Its time we set free this our Economy
Our voices will surely be heard

Lets pluck ourselves from the hands of injustice
Cry our beloved Africa
Its our season for Democracy
Let Democracy have its course

If I have any hope left in me
Its a hope for Democracy
In Democracy I believe and Democracy never fails

Martin Luther King died for the Democracy of the black people
That Movement for Democracy has rose again
Forever Africa will be Changed.

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